Collection of Resources
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Balancing the Rift: ReCONNECTualizing the Pasenture By Irucka Ajani Embry: Book Collections
- excerpt of Resourcical (R]Evolutionary Tacticals {Appendix} from Balancing the Rift: ReCONNECTualizing the Pasenture By Irucka Ajani Embry {Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP), 2014, ISBN# 978-0-9914994-0-3} — [Requires PDF Software]
- EcoC²S [Irucka Embry): Irucka Embry’s Resource List for American Revolutionary: The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs — [Requires PDF Software]
- EcoC²S [Irucka Embry): EcoC²S Resources
- EcoC²S Book Resources
- EcoC²S [Irucka Embry): Inspiring and Revolutionary Quotes
- Self-Publishing Resources (Books, e-books, music, etc.)
- Hip Hop artist Vibration Kŏn’vûrt’ɛd [Kunvorted}
- Resources to help us rethink, reimagine, & reFeel our world
- Resources to help us rethink the current crisis (in perception)
- Resources to help us rethink the current crisis (in perception): Irucka Embry’s Electronic Communications
- Resources to help us rethink E-CON-omics
- History is the path to understanding the present, but where do we go from here?
- The Crisis in Perception and What We Can Do About It
- Life’s a Journey!!!! - Irucka Ajani Embry: The thoughts continue in a cyclic path…☺
- True change begins from within…
- EcoC²S [Irucka Embry): The Study of Water (Hydrology)
- Realizing that War is a system, cyclic, and circular, it must be discussed in that context as should Peace, Revolution, Love, Compassion, Understanding
- Thoughts on violence, why and how we got here and where we are going too…
- Cannabis sativa L. (Industrial Hemp & Marijuana) Resources
- Mediatrical outlooks concerning a worldly citizenry☺
- Constructively deducing the ramifications of profitable “healthcare” OVER real health and curing and alternatives to this Madness
- Life’s passionate and rough journey!!! — Irucka Embry
- It’s Time to Move “Beyond Usual Politics”
- “Intelligence and security” — SAY WHAT??!
- Links on Iraq
- Links on Colombia
- The Mind Rules the Body in Time!!!!
- Cultures of the world today…
- What a great world we live in, the state of control by corporations…
- Check out some cool information about UT, the school where I graduated from