- “ENOUGHNESS” via families, friends, neighborhoods, villages, cities, towns, regions, bio(logical) regions, provinces, states, countries, continents of COMMUNITY AND CARE!!☺
Believe in the Mystical & Unknown, Love, Laugh, Learn, Imagine Creatively, Live, Enjoy, Dance, Sing, Forgive, Understand, Meditate, Listen To Ur Body (Your True Full Self, Your Essence, Your Spirit/Soul, YOU]/Our MOTHER EARTH/The COSMOS, …
Michigan Citizen, Nov. 27-Dec. 3, 2005
We are in the midst of a great transformation, not only economically but psychologically, culturally, politically, in our relations with one another, to the Earth, to other species and to other peoples of the world, and in our concept of ourselves and of our rights and responsibilities as human beings.
To an unprecedented degree, as we approach 2006, millions of us are aware that our present and impending disasters are not natural but man-made, the consequence of our limitless pursuit of capital accumulation.
Up to now the main victims of this have been the peoples of the global South. But now the chickens are coming home to roost. In our own countries, the United States and throughout Europe, there are tens of millions who for decades have been marginalized, living how they can, without any social safety nets, unemployed, disempowered, disenfranchised, disengaged, disrespected, and without a perspective of another positive future.
These people in the so-called informal sector are now being joined by those who through centuries of struggle and sacrifices thought they could look forward to a stable and secure future for themselves and their children.
At this moment and under these circumstances it would be easy to despair. But this universal crisis is not only a danger but a promise, an opportunity to advance ourselves and our societies to a new level, based on a new vision, new principles and values:
- *Respect for the limits of the earth
- *Responsibility for community and not just for self
- *Concern for posterity into the seventh generation
- *Partnership instead of patriarchal relations
- *A new concept of Work based on use values and skills
- *Resistance to commodification of human relationships and of all life
- *Local, sustainable and self-reliant economies instead of one global dominant economy
- *Diversity instead of monocultures
- *Restore the joy of living in community with all creatures
- *Practice global citizenship to reserve the best of our historical traditions
- *Social justice and cooperation instead of exploitation and competition
WE can begin by restoring our relationships to each other and to the Earth
WE can create gardens, for food, health and to create a community as a basis for resistance, for learning and enjoyment of young and old.
WE can create new subsistence skills to grapple with our present problems and the challenges to come.
WE can transform our schools from job-and-career-oriented institutions to places where children and young people can learn the values of teamwork, serving the community, self-reliance and the joys of creativity
WE can initiate discussions in our communities locally, nationally and internationally on new visions, a new perspective, and the profound historical meaning of the great turning during this time in which we live.
WE can share and spread the word of what people are already doing to create a better world.
Grace Lee Boggs, Detroit, Michigan,
Maria Mies, Koeln, Germany, Women and Life on Earth (WLOE)
Shea Howell, Detroit, Michigan
Werner Ruhoff, Koeln, Germany
Hilmar Kunath, Hamburg, Germany
Elisabeth Voss, Berlin, Germany
Irina Vellay, Dortmund, Germany
This statement emerged from some of the participants in the International Workshop on Self-Organizing and Common Self-Reliance, Cologne, Germany, October 20-22, 2005.
Please show your support by adding your name, place (and if you wish your organization), circulate to your networks, nationally and internationally, and publish where you find it appropriate.
“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius—and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.”
—Ernst Friedrich “Fritz” Schumacher, from “Small is Beautiful”, an essay, in The Radical Humanist, Vol. 37, No. 5 (August 1973), p. 22; Source: Wikiquote: E. F. Schumacher; License: Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
If you agree with “the Scientists’ and Engineers’ Pledge To Renounce Weapons of Mass Destruction” located below, then sign it here:
I pledge never to participate in —
or in
For more information, check out:
Los Alamos Study Group
Los Alamos Study Group What You Can Do
Thank U☺.
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources
- EcoC²S [Irucka Embry): EcoC²S Resources
- Alternative Medicine Center
- Center for Ecoliteracy
- Masaru Emoto’s Website / オフィス・マサル・エモト — 「水からの伝言」と「新しい水の科学」
- Masaru Emoto’s Hado World
- Rupert Sheldrake
- Green Chemistry Institute
- Navdanya means “nine seeds” (symbolizing protection of biological and cultural diversity) and also the “new gift” (for seed as commons, based on the right to save and share seeds. In today’s context of biological and ecological destruction, seed savers are the true givers of seed. This gift or “dana” of Navadhanyas (nine seeds) is the ultimate gift - it is a gift of life, of heritage and continuity. Conserving seed is conserving biodiversity, conserving knowledge of the seed and its utilization, conserving culture, conserving sustainability. Navdanya is a network of seed keepers and organic producers spread across 17 states in India.
- Institute for Energy and Environmental Research: Where Science and Democracy Meet
- The International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES)
- Scientists for Global Responsibility
- Science in Society Archive [formerly the Institute of Science in Society (ISIS)]
- The Independent Science Panel (ISP)
- Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER)
- The Federation of American Scientists (FAS)
- The Environmental Protection Encouragement Agency (EPEA)
- Free Software Foundation (FSF)
- The GNU Operating System and the Free Software Movement: Why “Open Source” misses the point of Free Software
- Open Source Initiative
- Union of Concerned Scientists
- New Scientist
- Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR)
- Homeopaths Without Borders: We are a volunteer-led, non-profit organization advancing the understanding and use of homeopathy by providing care in emergency situations, reaching out to the community through mobile health clinics, and teaching medical professionals how to incorporate homeopathy into their practice.
- Doctors Without Borders/M�decins Sans Fronti�res (MSF)
- Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
- The Hunger Site
- The Breast Cancer Site
- The Child Health Site
- The Literacy Site
- The Rainforest Site
- The Animal Rescue Site
- Care2
- Lovearth Network
- The Petition Site
- Petition Against Cluster Bombs
- People’s Treaty to Ban Landmines Organic Consumers Association Action Center
Both petitions can be signed online
- EcoC²S [Irucka Embry)
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]
- MBDC: Cradle to Cradle ®
- LabourStart: Where trade unionists start their day on the net.
- Global Unions is the partnership between the International Trade Union Confederation, Global Union Federations and the Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD.
- No Sweat Apparel
- Union Label and Service Trades Department, AFL-CIO: America is at its best when we say and shop union YES!
- Organic Consumers Association: Breaking the Chains Campaign
- Green America: Sustainable Shopping Tips
- Ecobaby
- EcoMall
- World’s largest directory of eco-friendly products
- World Centric
- World Centric Fair Trade & Eco Store
- LocalHarvest
- Fresh Food Co
- the Brenmar Company
- Earthware Biodegradables
- Green Earth Office Supply online store Green Earth Office Supply online store: Kitchen/Cafeteria Supplies
- Green Home Environmental Products
- Treecycle Recycled Paper and Environmentally Friendly Cleaning
- Green Earth Office Supply online store
Thoughts on Life
“If you have come to help me you are wasting your time. If you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.”
—Aboriginal activists group Queensland, 1970s, Source: Uniting Church Australia: “Let us Work Together”
“Liberty has never come from government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of government. The history of liberty is the history of resistance.”
-Woodrow Wilson
“Understanding is having the ability to see things clearly for what they are and not what they present themselves to be.”
—AZ, spoken in an introduction to Understanding by Nas
“If you have come to help me you are wasting your time. If you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.”
—Aboriginal activists group Queensland, 1970s, Source: Uniting Church Australia: “Let us Work Together”
“We have the power to change the world. It is not an issue of whether or not can we make a difference. The truth is that we do make a difference. Everything we do, say and think shapes our reality. It is time that we join our bodies, minds, hearts, spirits and voices and call for peace on the Earth and peace with the Earth.”
-Julia Butterfly
“If there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person. If there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the house. If there is harmony in the house, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.”
-Chinese proverb
”No one who has been thoroughly awake to the real universe would swap it for a “virtual” one. Our deepest urge is to bring our lives into direct contact with elemental life. No matter how clever our works, they will never satisfy our hunger. The likeliest way to achieve contact with life, the likeliest way to recover our senses, is by shutting off our machines, climbing out of our cars, our electrified boxes, walking beyond the pavement to actual dirt or rock, and opening ourselves to the world we have not made.”
—Scott Russell Sanders
A perspective not known widely
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink E-CON-omics
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink, reimagine, & reFeel our world: Political Economics (Economics as an electrical system)
Africans and indigenous peoples (Black Indians)
Welcome to Black Indians & Intertribal Native
American Association | Bibliography: Blacks and Indigenous
Peoples | Bibliography: Black
Indians | African & Native Americans share a rich history
Present-Day Enslavement
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink, reimagine, & reFeel our world: Global Human Enslavement (Trafficking) from the Past to the Present-Day
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink, reimagine, & reFeel our world: (Satanic) Ritual Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Slavery (Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation), Pedophilia, and the Global Elite & “Everyday People”
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink, reimagine, & reFeel our world: On the Road to the Total Digital Enslavement of “Human Beings” in a Completely Synthetic & Satanic World Unless We Human Beings Move from left-brain centered programming (i.e., not thinking for ourselves) to Heart/Spiritual Consciousness
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: True change begins from within…: Writings by Irucka Embry: WAKE UP!: Affirmative Action, the Dissolution of Chattel Enslavement (A Trafficking and Smuggling Conspiracy) in the USA, the Continued Enslavement (A Trafficking and Smuggling Conspiracy) of Millions of Human Beings Globally, the Wage Enslavement of Billions of Human Beings Globally & the Future Digital Enslavement of “Human Beings”
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: True change begins from within…: Writings by Irucka Embry: WAKE UP!: Affirmative Action, the Dissolution of Chattel Enslavement (A Trafficking and Smuggling Conspiracy) in the USA, the Continued Enslavement (A Trafficking and Smuggling Conspiracy) of Millions of Human Beings Globally, the Wage Enslavement of Billions of Human Beings Globally & the Future Digital Enslavement of “Human Beings” — [Requires PDF Software]
- United States Department of State: What is Modern Slavery?
- United States Department of Labor Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB): Child Labor, Forced Labor & Human Trafficking
- Human trafficking: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- iAbolish: American Anti-Slavery Group, abolishing modern slavery and human trafficking
- iAbolish: Slavery Today
- Free the Slaves [Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine]
- Unitarian Universalist Association (UU) World: Bitter harvest: Slavery isn’t history—and we’re reaping its fruit. By Kimberly French, November/December 2004
- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU): US Admits Modern-Day Slavery Exists at Home By Jennifer Turner, June 24, 2014
- Contemporary slavery in the United States: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- American Terrorism - American State Terrorism - International Terrorists: Slavery in America Today [Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine]
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink, reimagine, & reFeel our world: Human Sacrifice, Satanism, (Satanic) Ritual Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Slavery (Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation), Pedophilia, and the Global Elite & “Everyday People”
- Sexual slavery: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Common Dreams: Women and Children For Sale: The Globalization of Sexual Slavery by Martin A. Lee, March 5, 2001, San Francisco Bay Guardian [Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine]
- The Military Sexual Slavery Issue and Asian Peace By Hee Soon Kwon, This Paper was presented at “The First East Asian Women’s Forum,” October 20-22, ’94, Japan
- Feminist Majority Foundation Blog: Thousands of Women Forced Into Sexual Slavery For US Servicemen in South Korea, September 9, 2002
- Sex slaves By William H. McMichael, August 12, 2002, Navy Times [Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine]
- VOX NYC: Dirty Tricks, Inc.: The DynCorp-Government Connection by Uri Dowbenko. Also archived at
- Wires: Millions Suffer in Sex Slavery, April 24, 2001 [Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine]
- Reader’s Companion to U.S. Women’s History: Sexual Slavery By Kathleen Barry [Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine]
- Betrayal in the Ranks [Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine]
Wage Slavery
- Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America 20th Anniversary Edition
- Barbara Ehrenreich
- ISBN# 978-1-2508083-1-8
- The Globalization of Poverty: What Is Neoliberalism? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, November 08, 2019
- Wage slavery: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Sweatshop: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Third World Traveler: Transnational Corporations & World Trade
- National Organization for Women (NOW): Saru Jayaraman: The Devastating Impact of Subminimum Wages on Women Posted on February 25, 2022 By Kim
- Panaprium: 13 Fashion Brands That Still Use Sweatshops In 2022
- Stop Modern Day Slavery: Fast Fashion’ Dirty Little Secret
- The Guardian: Abuse is daily reality for female garment workers for Gap and H&M, says report: Clothing companies to investigate allegations that fast fashion deadlines create climate of harassment and violence in Asian factories By Kate Hodal, 5 Jun 2018. Also archived at
- Haiti Chery: Haiti’s Assembly Workers Promised 87 Cents Per Hour By Dady Chery, October 2, 2012
- Modern Day Slave Trade: America’s Offshore Industrial Sweat Shops By Jamal Kanj, Global Research, June 13, 2013/Gulf News
- Psychology Today: Are You a Wage Slave?: Can we create a future where people no longer have to work at jobs they hate? By Nir Eyal, Posted February 18, 2022
- SmartCapitalMind: What is Wage Slavery? By Tricia Christensen, Last Modified Date: June 02, 2022
- Ford Foundation: American tipping is rooted in slavery—and it still hurts workers today By Libby Wann, 18 February 2016
- Business Insider: America’s Favorite Anarchist Thinks Most US Workers Are Wage Slaves By David Graeber, Apr 18, 2014
- LA Progressive: Wage Slavery In America: Rigid work schedules, inequitable pay, and other demeaning practices are not merely unfair, they also set the stage for inefficiency and counterproductivity. By Robert W. Fuller, Aug 31, 2010
- The Intellectual Property Wage Slave or Why You Should Quit Your Job By David E. Weekly, April 05, 2005
- Creating Livable Alternatives to Wage Slavery (CLAWS) [Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine]
- Wage Slavery in the USA, Irregular Times [Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine]
- CorpWatch: Sweatshops Publications search
- Saipan Workers Describe Slavery of Sweatshops: They say American Dream turned into nightmare By Robert Collier, San Francisco Chronicle, January 22, 1999 [Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine]
- Slavery, sweatshops and shell game education By Andrew Barbano, Sparks Tribune, 4/27/97 [Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine]
- BBC News: Gap and Nike: No Sweat? Reported by Paul Kenyon, 15 October, 2000 [Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine]
Corporate Globalization
Global Economy 101
Global Economics Crisis
Corporate Globalization Fact Sheet
When Corporations Rule the World
World Bank/IMF
Financial Services and Banking
What You Can Do To End Enslavement
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink the current crisis (in perception): Taking Our Health and Freedom Back
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink the current crisis (in perception): Take Action
- Free the Slaves
- Free the Slaves: Take Action
- Anti-Slavery International
- Anti-Slavery International: Take action to end slavery
- Freedom United
- Freedom United: Advocate
- End Slavery Now: Resources to End Human Trafficking
- End Slavery Now: List of Actions to Help Fight Slavery Today
- End Slavery Now: Buy Slave Free | Shop Differently to End Slavery
- End Slavery Now: Buy Slave Free | Shop Differently to End Slavery
- Human Trafficking Search (HTS): Take Action
- Fair for Life
- Fair Wear Foundation
- Fashion Revolution: We campaign for a clean, safe, fair, transparent and accountable fashion industry. We do this through research, education, collaboration, mobilisation and advocacy. The issues in the fashion industry never fall on any single person, brand, or company. That’s why we focus on using our voices to transform the entire system. With systemic and structural change, the fashion industry can lift millions of people out of poverty and provide them with decent and dignified livelihoods. It can conserve and restore our living planet. It can bring people together and be a great source of joy, creativity and expression for individuals and communities. We believe in a global fashion industry that conserves and restores the environment and values people over growth and profit.
- No Sweat is a grassroots campaign that builds solidarity among workers’ worldwide.
- No Sweat Apparel
- is a family owned business operating since 2006. Our main goal is to provide end users the opportunity to purchase the highest quality union made in USA Tshirts and Sweatshirts.
- is the most complete database of union-made promotional products in the market. This meticulous selection is the result of 30 years of research, factory visits, and many collaborative meetings with the major unions in the U.S.A. and Canada.
- End Slavery Now: Slavery-Freedom Continuum By Minh Dang, December 11, 2014
- LinkedIn: 7 Ways to Emancipate Yourself from Mental Slavery By Brigette Hyacinth, Aug 9, 2015
- DeprogramWiki
- Free The Girls
- Thistle Farms is a powerful community of women who have survived prostitution, trafficking and addiction. We employ more than 50 survivors through our social enterprises which include a natural body care company, The Café at Thistle Farms, artisan studio, and global marketplace called Shared Trade.
- Global Shared Trade: Addressing sexual exploitation, trafficking, and extreme poverty through an aligned network of artisan survivor enterprises supporting women’s dignity and economic freedom.
- The Maquila Solidarity Network (MSN)
- Fair World Project: Take Action/a>
- Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA): Economic Justice
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink, reimagine, & reFeel our world: Global Trade (are these trade deals really about trade only?)
- Public Citizen: Global Trade Watch
- CorpWatch: Our mandate is to provide accurate, timely and easily accessible articles, reports and data on violations by multinational corporations to activists, media, the general public and policy makers.
- analysis of the world’s largest companies
- McSpotlight
Shopping and Mega-Stores
“Reclaim the Commons -- a message from Starhawk" & "Travellers’ Tales from Another World: Part One Welcome to Possible (as told to Starhawk)”
"Travellers’ Tales from Possible: Part Two The Garden of the Commons (as told to Starhawk) "
"Travellers’ Tales from Possible: Part Three The Children’s House (as told to Starhawk) "
Reclaim the Commons
United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS)
Fairtrade Foundation
The Fair Trade Federation (FTF)
Make Trade Fair
Transfair USA
Fairtrade Labeling Organizations (FLO) International
Global Exchange
Fair Trade in Europe
The Fair Trade Resource Network
The People-Centered Development Forum
Grassroots Globalization
Human Rights
Equal Exchange
Global Exchange Fair Trade Store
Historical Enslavement
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink, reimagine, & reFeel our world: Global Human Enslavement (Trafficking) from the Past to the Present-Day
- Free the Slaves: Slavery in History
- Documentary Storm: Coolies: How Britain Reinvented Slavery
- Slavery From Islamic and Christian Perspectives By Sayyid Sa’eed Akhtar Rizvi
- Brycchan Carey, Author and Academic: Slavery, Abolition, and Emancipation Resources
- Brycchan Carey, Author and Academic: Slavery Timeline: A Chronology of Slavery, Abolition, and Emancipation
- Digital History: Guided Readings: The Origins and Nature of New World Slavery [Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine]
- The Internet Public Library: Slavery and Religion in America: A Time Line 1440-1866 [Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine]
- Chronology on the History of Slavery and Racism Compiled by Eddie Becker [Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine]
- Help Save The Holt House Compiled by Eddie Becker [Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine]
- Slavery in America
- PBS: Slavery and the Making of America
- Slavery, Labor, and Gender By Ulrike Strasser and Heidi Tinsman, University of California, Irvine
| Christianity, Islam and Slavery | Did We Sell Each Other Into Slavery? | On Slavery | Slavery: Africa’s Case
Slavery and London | Blackheath and Slavery |
Indian Slaves In South Africa: A little-known aspect of Indian-South African relations |
| Forgotten Story of Indian Slavery | Encyclopedia of North American Indians: Slavery | Encyclopedia of North American Indians: Cherokee Slave Revolt Of 1842 |
| Bibliogra phy: White Slavery in America | Indian Slavery in Colonial Times Within the Present Limits of the United States by Almon Wheeler Lauber | Genocide of the American Indian Peoples | Bibliography: Genocide and Oppression of the American Indian Peoples |
| Bibliography: Enslavement and Oppression of the African-American Peoples
Did the 13th Amendment to the United States of America Constitution outlaw (prohibit) enslavement (slavery)?
NO! Read for yourselves:
“Passed by Congress January 31, 1865. Ratified December 6, 1865.
“Note: A portion of Article IV, section 2, of the Constitution was superseded by the 13th amendment.
“Section 1.
“Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. [my emphasis]
“Section 2.
“Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.”
—Source: National Archives: The Constitution: Amendments 11-27: Amendment XIII
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Resources to help us rethink, reimagine, & reFeel our world: Why Are We Still Fed Tha Fuckin’ Bullshit about the Nazi “Holocaust”? Why haven’t more people investigated the lack of evidence more?
- Holocaust: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Non-Jewish Holocaust Victims — the 5 Million Others [Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine]
Free Hawaiʻi and Free Puerto Rico
- Free Puerto Rico
- Hawaiian Kingdom Government: U.S. President Grover Cleveland’s Message to the U.S. Congress of December 18, 1893 concerning The Hawaiian Kingdom investigation.
- Digital History: Grover Cleveland on the Overthrow of Hawaii’s Royal Government
- National Archives: Joint Resolution to Provide for Annexing the Hawaiian Islands to the United States (1898)
- Legal Issues Raised by Proposed Presidential Proclamation To Extend the Territorial Sea, October 4, 1988 — [Requires PDF Software]
- United States Public Law 103-150, Nov, 23, 1993 — [Requires PDF Software]
- Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Memorandum concerning the case of Mme Routh Bolomet, 25 February 2018 — [Requires PDF Software]
- Medium: What is the status of Hawaii under international law today?: A conversation with Prof. Keanu Sai about the overthrow of Hawaii and the modern sovereignty movement By Tam Hunt, Aug 27, 2019
- Hawaiian Kingdom Government - Welcome - E Komo Mai
- The Official Nation of Hawaiʻi Digital Platform: Independent & Sovereign Nation State of Hawaii
- Hawaii - Independent & Sovereign [Historical Web site for]
- Legal Foundation For Hawaiian Independence: Law Library, Historical Documents, and Research Material [Historical Web page for]
- Hawaii - Independent & Sovereign: Is Hawaii Really a State of the Union?
- What Really Happened: Hawaii is not legally a state! [Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine]
- NativeWeb: Hawaiian Independence: Affidavit of Francis A. Boyle (Kanahele), October 31, 1995
- Report Corruption In Hawaii (Facebook Group)
- Judicial Corruption: Rock The Boat Hawaii Archive
- Ke One Kani O Makua: The Resounding Sands of Makua [Recovered with the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine]
- Land + Heart Project of Puerto Rico: Restoring Relationships with Land and People
- Cerro Maravilla Archive
- Free Puerto Rico: All Out To The U.N.
- Free Association and Puerto Rico’s Political Status Debate
- On the 100th anniversary of the U.S. invasion, Puerto Rico still deserves independence
- What does Puerto Rico’s independence mean?
Remember Bhopal, India
- Bhopal
- Bhopal disaster
- The International Campaign For Justice In Bhopal
- Bhopal
- Bhopal Medical Appeal (BMA) & Sambhavna Trust
- Students for Bhopal
- Bhopal Disaster 20 Years Later: A Look at One of the Worst Industrial Disasters in History
- Yes Men Hoax on BBC Reminds World of Dow Chemical’s Refusal to Take Responsibility for Bhopal Disaster
Personalized Expressional Linksters
- EcoC²S [Irucka Embry): EcoC²S Resources
- Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) {Irucka Embry]: Questioning the Universe Publishing (QUP) Resources
- EcoC²S [Irucka Embry): Inspiring and Revolutionary Quotes
- Life’s a Journey!!!! - Irucka Ajani Embry: The thoughts continue in a cyclic path…☺
- True change begins from within…
- Constructively deducing the ramifications of profitable “healthcare” OVER real health and curing and alternatives to this Madness
- EcoC²S [Irucka Embry): The Study of Water (Hydrology)
- History is the path to understanding the present, but where do we go from here?
- The Crisis in Perception and What We Can Do About It
- Cannabis sativa L. (Industrial Hemp & Marijuana) Resources
- Check out some cool information about UT, my undergraduate educational saga
- What a great world we live in, the state of control by corporations…
- Thoughts on violence, why and how we got here and where we are going too…
- Realizing that war is a system, cyclic, and circular, it must be discussed in that context as should Peace, Revolution, Love, Compassion, Understanding
- “Intelligence and security” — SAY WHAT??!
- Colombia Links
- Iraq Links
- Mediatrical outlooks concerning a worldly citizenry☺
- Life’s passionate and rough journey!!! - Irucka Embry
- It’s Time to Move “Beyond Usual Politics!”
- Mystacalities of Life
- The Last Steps of the Journey!!!
- The Mind Rules the Body in Time!!!!
- Cultures of the world today…
- Educational and Career Opportunities
Links to Friends
Rasheeda’s PlaceQuin’s Zone
welcome to melvaland
The Enchanted Forest
The Home Page of one of my favorite professors here at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, Dr. Chow
Summary of ProfScam: Professors and the Demise of Higher Education, by C. J. Sykes, summary written by J. T. P. Yao